How to properly water a money plant or pothos plant

        How to properly water a pothos plant or money plant

The pothos plant is considered by many to be a great way to get started caring for houseplants. Since pothos care is easy and undemanding, this lovely plant is an easy way to add some green in your home.

Watering frequency for money plants depends on the climate. For summer, water once every 7-10 days; during the winter months, one should mist the leaves and water only when necessary. Sunlight is beneficial to money plant growth; they can tolerate high levels of sunlight but must be in a shady area. Fertilizing is only necessary in the fall and winter months, when applied at night. The pot should be large enough for the plant's size once it grows. Money plant care is easy - just follow these instructions: 

  Water Frequency: Money plants depend on climate and needs to be watered according to the climate conditions. In summer, water once every 7-10 days; during winter, water should only be misted on a regular basis and there is no need for fertilizers. When grown indoors or out in direct sunlight, watering frequency should generally be done weekly but infrequently watered can keep the water level at healthy levels. 

Potting: Generally, money plants will grow slowly in small pots so it's better to opt for heavier or bigger pots that can be reused later on. 

Care of Water Plant In Direct Sunlight: Many people prefer to grow money plants in just a bottle of water and keep it near a window where it can climb up onto the window screen beautifully! In this case, taking care of money plant would require different instructions since one needs to keep at least one node below the water line for proper growth while also needing to frequently refill with fresh water as needed. To maintain moisture levels at healthy levels, often extra water must also be added when growing this plant in direct sunlight.

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